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    Goldilocks and three bears
    [ · Скачать удаленно () ] 17.09.2014, 10:30
    Once upon a time there lived a nice girl. Her name was Goldilocks. She had blue eyes and golden hair. Her family lived near the forest.
    One day Goldilocks went to the forest. The weather was nice! It was a hot and sunny day. The girl was happy! Suddenly the girl saw a big house. She was tired. She came in …
    In the middle of the room Goldilocks saw a big table. Near the table there were three chairs. On the table there were three plates .
    Goldilocks was hungry. She tried the porridge from the big and medium plates. It was too hot! She tried the porridge from the small plate. “Nice!” she said.
    The girl went into the bedroom. She saw three beds: a big bed, a medium bed and a small bed. The small bed was right for Goldilocks. She fell asleep.
    But in that house three bears lived. They were Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear. They were back from walk! Poor Goldilocks!
    The Bears came into the house. “The plates are not in the right places!” said Mummy Bear. “There is no porridge in my plate! Where is my porridge?” cried Baby Bear.
    The bears went into the bedroom. “My pillow is now in the right place!” said Daddy Bear. “Oh, there is a girl in my bed!” cried Baby Bear. Goldilocks opened her eyes. There were three bears. “Help!” she cried and ran away.
    Категория: Урок английского языка | Добавил: Iamenglish29
    Просмотров: 1141 | Загрузок: 563 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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